Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week Three at the MTC!

"In what...way..." - Ferris Bueller
Well...every single one of our teachers left this week to go on vacation so we had not a soul to teach our class. So after a few hours of being lost, sad, and alone, the other Italian teachers decided that somebody had to come supervise our class. We had every single one of the Italian teachers come in and scramble up a lesson for us. I really enjoyed myself though, having little to no structure for class time, and I think I learned a lot. Also, they got this sweet, old, soft-spoken man to lecture us...but he may have been a little too soft spoken. When he talked we honestly could not hear him. Needless to say, it was a long lesson... Didn't help that we are on the top floor with our AC Unit broken when its 103 outside. Real hot in there.

"El Barto" - El Barto
I was talking with Tyler about this before coming here and I would like to say that I have an answer. Yes. There is still bathroom graffiti in the MTC. It's a saddening thought, yes, and what makes it worse is nobody is even clever when they take a sharpie to the door of the stall! The most notorious of these mysterious graffiti-ers is Michael J. Smith, Kentucky Louisville Mission 2010-2012, who has just under 5 tags that I've seen. The stuff doesn't get cleaned off because missionaries clean their own floors and no supervisors really check. So when it goes up, it stays up.

"Don't drink the Orange Juice!" - Mindy Barltett
The rumors are true.

"Let's celebrate our country by blowing up a small part of it!" - Apu Suphadbebenald
There was a special announcement this week! To celebrate the birth of this great country of ours, the MTC has prepared a special 4th of July devotional, which includes secular musical numbers, patriotic talks, apple pie, American flags, and watching the fireworks from the Stadium of Fire! America, America, God shed his grace on thee! Also...our roommate’s parents sent him some fireworks, which I'm sure is against all sorts of MTC policies, and it also concerns me that they were able to ship it through the mail? In any case, I still love this land of ours!

"And I beheld that they were in the Great and Spacious Building" - Nephi
We are like the only apartment on our floor that has six people in a room. The Milanos next door have a much bigger room with only four people. I nicknamed it “the Great and Spacious building” because they quite literally laugh and scorn at us. In addition to the six people in a room, our air conditioning unit went out this week, so it is sweltering hot in there at night! I put in a request to get it fixed but have heard no word on it...hmm… I keep telling my room that it’s trails before blessings, so we are due for something good in the next couple weeks!!

"Pray always, do not faint" - Nephi
Well I don't know about fainting, but as the weeks go on and the days get hotter it’s gettin' powerful hard to stay awake! Tyler said to get as much rest as I could before I left on the mish because I'd be tired for the next two years. I'm beginning to see the truth to that statement! As I mentioned above, the AC in the class and in the room are out, so that certainly doesn't help, but we love it because it's preparing us for Italy in three weeks. 

"Not only are missionaries not allowed to have mustaches, but it's also encouraged!" - NK
Good news from the Office of the First Presidency! Missionaries are now allowed to wear light grey and light brown suits, as well as khaki colored pants! Pretty cool eh? They are also redoing the White Bible which is full of news rules and what not for the mission field, which'll come out in a few weeks! I don't know about you but I think that’s pretty exciting!! Maybe it's ‘cause I'm a missionary…

"Milano busted for recruiting violations and suspected steroid use"
Yes. The Rumors are true. The Roma loss to Milano Friday night of 4-6 was not valid because the Milanos recruited a player going to Mexico who played for BYU soccer. Needless to say it was a huge upset for the Romas, who contested the final score for recruiting violations. The game itself was called a draw and will be played again this upcoming Friday. The Romas have been hitting the gym every morning in preparation for the upcoming game, but only time will tell if the Romas can beat out the Milanos for the MTC championship match.

Questions for Me! From Hailey C*!
  • "Why you not going to walk to Italy? Why you have to fly on a airplane?"
    • Well Hailey... Italy is very, very far away. Remember when you had to fly to Utah and you got to go on an airplane? Well, I am going to do the exact same thing over to Italy. Italy is very, very far away across a big ocean!
  •  "Where you eat your breakfast Nate? You eat bird food for you breakfast? Or maybe waffles or pancakes?"
    • I eat big breakfasts every morning! I love to eat oatmeal and bagels! Do you ever eat oatmeal or bagels? I like to put chocolate chips in my oatmeal and cream cheese on my bagels!
  • "You like to play volleyball when you is a missionary? I think you like to play Frisbee or paint."
    • I do like to play volleyball! But my favorite thing is soccer! Maybe when you are older you can play soccer with me! We don't have time to paint or play Frisbee, but we like to read the scriptures a lot, just like your mommy and daddy do with you every night. You can be a missionary just like me Hailey!
*Hailey C is Nate's 2-year-old niece.

This is a picture of Anziano Romano. He was my companion for the day and he spent about 30 minutes trying to get this picture right. It was a picture of his scriptures and name tag on the grass. He never did get it the way the liked it.