Monday, November 25, 2013

Transfers are IN! I will be remaining in Messina another six weeks. In fact, the whole district is staying the same. It is a little tiring, but the Lord  must have some work for me to do here. Keep on truckin.

I did a three day exchange down in Catania this week. Anziano Cicon had to go to Napoli for his Visa. So me and Anziano Cremonesi (he is Italian) did a good 48 hours’ worth of finding for the Catania Missionaries. Oh man...I don’t know if I could ever serve with an Italian companion. They are impossible to understand. There are two Italians down in Catania. Catania is a big city compared to Messina but I was surprised how similar the people were to Messina. Catania is beautiful though. Apparently the Volcano erupted... Nobody even talked about it but you could smell it from Catania to Messina. It made the moon this blood red color too. It was pretty cool, but normal for these people.

We have been working with Francesco! He is doing great and we finished all the lessons with him. But we probably need to repass this stuff because we don’t know how much he got. He is a character though. We will plan to meet him in the church and he won’t show up for like 35 minutes so we will start to leave and he will have been waiting around on the street corner or right outside the church for like the past 40 minutes... We keep telling him he can come inside the church but that’s just how he is I guess? He is great and loves the church. He always calls it his house.

I got those pictures of Kris, Ty, Bri, and Mark on their missions! I really liked them and it is super fun to look at them. 

We have two new investigators. One is a fireman named Giovanni and the other is a teacher at a high school who teaches cooking named Giovanni. Sweet! We are hoping that we can teach them some more!

Today we are with the Reggio Anziani and we are going to all the Cathedrals in town. Anziano Stevens from Utah and Anziano Puff from North Italy. He speaks German in the part of Italy he is from though but still knows Italian. (He is also impossible to understand. Should be fun today.)