Monday, December 16, 2013

Visit to Napoli

Well... It was a really weird week this week. Fun! But weird...

This week we had our Zone Conference which was really good. It was all the missionaries from the Catania Zone. They said we couldn’t sleep over the night before so us and the Reggio Elders had to wake up at 4:40 in the morning to hop a bus down to Catania to be there on time. It was a good conference and President had all the missionaries do a Nativity scene. I was a sheep! Also... It was a little bit sad at the end because they forgot to bring down our Christmas packages... I think they felt bad so they are coming down with the van this week to deliver them. The theme of the conference was about charity and love.

The next day we got a phone call from the office saying that we had to get on a train to Italy within 2 hours because Anziano Cicon had to get his Visa stuff there. It was super short notice for some super expensive tickets! So we purchased some tickets to Napoli (where his Visa place is). We got to Napoli that night at like 9pm because the train was delayed crossing over to Italy from Sicily. We then rode the Napoli Metro and walked the big bad streets at Napoli late at night trying to find where the Anziani live.

Napoli is BIG.

The next day we did some finding in Napoli Centro. That city is sooo beautiful! It is super, super big and super, super old. You can see Mt. Vesuvius (the big one that blew up Pompeii). It is right across the bay from Napoli. We did that and then went to the Visa place and did all that stuff. After that we got a Napoli Pizza with the other Elders who are serving in Napoli. You must know that Napoli Pizza is super, super famous in Italy. The world. It is the birth place of Pizza. People always talk about the pizza there—that it is super gooood. I personally thought it was just an exaggeration, but it is true. That was the best pizza I have ever had. Messina Pizza is nothing compared to Napoli Pizza. I don’t know how it could be soo different but it is! It was sooooo good! The Pizza in Napoli is only like 2-3 euros as well. Super cheap. The Nap Anziani eat it at least 2 times a week.

Anyhoos. We had to spend 2 nights in Napoli so we got to walk a good chunk of the city. It honestly is such a magical city. I seriously cannot say that enough. Napoli is awesome. Dangerous. Yes. But it is just soo big and old. The people there speak entirely different than on Sicily. But, just like Sicily most people don’t speak Italian. They speak Napolitano. Just riding the metro lines and listening to people. They really only speak Italian when we talk to them. Kind a fun.

But yes. The Napoli trip was a super good experience (and a little refreshing to be out of Messina for 3 days). I am in love with Napoli. The people. The food. The language. It was really, really cool. Hope that I can make it there someday.

But... There was like no work that was done in Messina because we were gone so many days. But at least Cicon has his Permesso.

So like I said about Ciccio. He is doing good now. He had some problems this week though... Apparently the first counselor in the ward and another member saw Ciccio smoking this week. They said they didn’t want to believe it but it definitely was him. There was a big scuffle about it on Sunday morning before he could get the Holy Ghost. First of all... He was 2 hours late for church (Sacrament Meeting is last). Then we had to have a private meeting with Ciccio and talk about the Word of Wisdom. I personally don’t believe that he smokes. He said he didn’t so we went on with the gift on the Holy Ghost. So he is now a member of the Church. That’s good!

That is what happened this week!

Ciao Ciao Ciao.