Thursday, March 6, 2014


Well, it's been a week of fest here in Sciacca. Needless to say, Carnivale has put a halt to much of the work in Sciacca, but we still managed to get some good lessons in and do a little bit of contacting. Most of the people we normally meet with were nowhere to be found, except occasionally in the sea of people that wandered around the city all week. Carnivale was really a sweet thing for the city though! Sciacca is normally the sleepiest little seaside town you could ever imagine, but this week everybody was out partying from dawn to dawn every single day this week.

The weather did not seem to stop most people (it was pretty cold and rainy) but everybody was still outside partying! I’ve decided Carnivale is pretty much Oktoberfest, Halloween, and the Macy’s Day parade all put together. It was pretty cool! The floats were absolutely incredible and literally from every corner of the city there was music blasting from the floats and you could see them towering above all the buildings. It was definitely a festival for young people, but that didn’t stop the retired folks from making a scene. A lot of them dressed up too (got some pretty sweet photos). 

The city seriously has never been so loud though! I seriously cannot express how impossible it was to meet with anybody this week... And the worst part is it is not over, it ends on Tuesday. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday (another city holiday), Thursday we have Zone Conference, Friday is a branch BBQ starting at 5, and Sunday the stake Patriarch is coming, which is from 9am - 6pm... So this week is another rough week.

Before the festivals started though it was kind of sad for us because a few investigators stopped meeting with us because "we are not Italian and cannot understand them"... We saw that coming after Zito left but Sicilians are pretty blunt and just say it how it is... It hurts. But what can we do. Zito did a lot of work for the city and it is hard to keep it all going without the skills he had. We are praying a and seriously trying our best. But he left some really big shoes to fill.

We did however start the construction of our temple for our investigator this week (perfect week to do it because the streets were filled were drunks and immoralità). But it is coming along quite nicely. It is about a foot and a half long and about a foot and a half tall. We are proud of it. It’s not quite done yet though. 

Thanks all and for all.

Ciao Ciao caio.