Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter & Little Easter

Well Brothers and Sisters,

This week has been absolutely classic. Classic. Yes, yes, it seems all the forces of nature are combined against us. But trials before blessings. This week we hopped on the bus going to District Meeting... However... It was not the normal bus to district meeting. Turns out it was the direct bus to Catania (on literally the opposite side of the island). It took a full day and a night slept with the missionaries in Agrigento, and a full wallet to get us back to Sciacca. But I learned from my mistake and will always ask the bus drivers where their bus is going and not assume the sign on the front of the bus is right... Also this week the phone services in Sciacca quit working for about 4 days... Classic. 

The good news is we got a sweet new phone that we have been replacing numbers in all week and we have had a good excuse to ask people what their names really are so we can put them in the phone. 

Easter Week is always a good time in Italy, especially in the land of Sciacca. Everybody is out with their families eating big lunches every day of the week and going to church and everybody is super happy and friendly. Speaking of going to church. I have never seen so many people in Sciacca as I did Easter Sunday. We walked out of church at 12:30... 

Quick side story. Church this week was awesome!!! Nobody showed up to church for the first hour (NOT EVEN THE BRANCH PRESIDENT! Just us missionaries.), then at about midway through the second hour all the branch shows up dressed super, super, super fancy with tons of jewelry and perfume. They said that is just what you do on Easter Sunday. You sleep in get all dressed up. Go to church. And then strut around town in your Easter best. 

Anyhoos. Back to my dialogue. We walked out of church and there was a sea of people all dressed in suits and skirts! We blended in perfectly! It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my whole life.

Yesterday was a holiday in Italy as well. The translation of the holiday is "Little Easter". Essentially, everybody in the cities goes to the countryside and eats and sleeps and plays soccer. Pretty much the same things they do every day, but yesterday they do it in the countryside. So yesterday the mission asked us to deep clean our houses. When we finished cleaning we tried to do some finding (which is what we do every day) and we walked around for 4 hours and saw literally 4 elderly people, a drunk man and a few stray dogs... Strangest thing I have ever seen. Literally a ghost town.

We have been doing our best to keep up our spirits in Sciacca. It is not the easiest city in the world. We literally pray our hearts out and work 10 hours a day talking with people and knocking on doors... I don’t know what we are doing wrong but I can honestly say I have never worked this hard in my life and still I can count all of our weekly numbers combined on one finger. It can be very frustrating. But I can say I have done my best. And that’s all that matters. 

It was a good Easter Week and next week there is yet another holiday in Sciacca where everybody goes out to the countryside. The 25th. Classic. The life of a Sicilian. Eat. Sleep. Play. Eat. Work. Sleep. Sleep. Eat. Play. Festival. Sleep. Not a bad life at all if you ask me!

Ciao Ciao Ciao