Monday, April 14, 2014

Lots of Finding and a Lost Phone

This week was not very eventful in the sense that we literally just did street finding every day this week. Needless to say, this P-Day is well deserved, and I fully plan on sitting in the Sicilian sun for the next 6 hours looking out in to the ocean and thinking about absolutely nothing. Finding every single day is physically, emotionally, and socially draining. Strangely enough, as the weather gets warmer, the people get colder. But there are always those people who are just good people who will talk with us. :) We are definitely not the best finders in the world. But we are doing the best we can do and expecting miracles.

This week... I also lost our cell phone. I don’t know how it is possible. But it was definitely my fault. All of the numbers were lost and we have been without a way to call people all week long. :( I feel really dumb because that phone had about 5 years’ worth of contacts in it that have all been lost... ... ... Amidst the shame of losing the phone we now have to go to Palermo to pick up a new one...

Palm Sunday was really neat yesterday. Every street in town (literally almost every single one) was lined with palm leaves and there were tons of people set up selling palm leaf art (bags, purses, and any sort of weaved object you can think of). This week every single day is a party and the biggest part of the week starts Friday were all the main Priests in town will hang up Christ on a big Cross in the Main Piazza. It is a big ceremony and kind of play. The next day they will take him down and put him in a coffin like thing and have a parade around the city. Then they will have another parade when the Resurrection happens. At the Finale they will have the resurrected Christ and the Madonna meet up together again in the main Piazza. It should be a good time had by all.

We need some people to teach. Me and Anziano Brown are both going crazy from only doing finding on the same streets every single day. We are almost out of ideas for what to do in this city. I don’t know if we are doing something wrong or what but it is seriously rough. But there is really not much to do other than to keep doing our best and to keep going on.

Loves and Kisses,
Anz Kelley