Monday, August 11, 2014

Transfers & Free Wine

This week we were able to say goodbye to all of the members with Anziano Lewis. He and I made a lot of good relationships with the members here and I hope me and my new companion can keep those up. It was really good serving with Anziano Lewis. I really liked him a lot.

So for transfers, Anziano Romano and I were like the only people staying so we had to move everybody to and from the train station all day long. It was really tiring. Anziano Romano also had an eye appointment that same day and they put chemicals in his eyes and he couldn’t see for like 3 hours so I had to drive the car and pretty much move all the stuff myself. 

We picked up my new companion, his name is Anziano Maxwell from Canada. He played hockey professionally for like 4 years. This is his first city. He is a really good guy. Our train back to Lecce got delayed 2 hours so we got into Lecce at like 11:30 at night and that night there was the huge Patron Saint Festival. More people than I have ever seen in my whole life. Lots of stages were set up for concerts. The big thing about this Patron Saint is it was a wine festival. Free Wine. Everybody was super drunk. It was a good first day for him.

We are doing well here though and working hard. The house is really quiet and kind of lonesome without 4 people.

Also, President promised a baptism a companionship this transfer in this zone. It is going to be a toughy but I know we can do it!