Hello Family! Me and Anziano Stewart had another good week here in Messina-Reggio! This week we had a ton of people from the ward make a templet rip up to Switzerland. It is a huge, long bus ride or expensive plane ride to make it all the way up there, but it's amazing to see how much faith and desire some of these people have to go up there! We had two couple that were able to be sealed (Namoli and Kushon. Gabrielle and Milana). Both of them have been waiting a long time to be sealed together but have not had the money or time to make it up there. So both of them were able to go this week and be sealed with their children. We also had about 15% of the active ward take out their endowments this week too! Also, a lot of the youth went. They are staying up in Switzerland all week and going many times. They are coming back Saturday.
Met a man on the tram (which we ride quite frequently)
who had broken his arm. Asked him how he did it... Turns out he legittimato
slipped on a banana peel. Hehehe. BUT! We got his numba and had a lesson with
him. Funny story number two from this guy. He agreed to meet us at the nearby
granita shop and he comes with his girlfriend and girlfriend’s daughter. He
sits us down and tells us that he really is not interested but he just wanted
us to meet his girlfriend’s daughter! Questions were asked hearts were broken.
Ended up giving a brief lesson on chastity... But we managed to flip it around
and gave a Book of Mormon lesson. Surprisingly, the spirit came in and touched
this man so that by the end of it he was actually crying. Woot! Gave him a Book
of Mormon and he cried again. He said that he loves how we follow Christ and he
wants to follow Christ. We just may have a new investigator?
We trammed on out to the town of Milazzo to meet with the
Buononotte Family. They have a daughter on a mission right now in Toulouse
France. We are going to try to get some lessons with Papa Bounonotte, who is
not a member. The wife is way active and the younger daughter wants to go to
BYU in 2 years. We are praying we can get some lessons with him. Also...
Milazzo is very far away so it’s not easy to get out there.
I purchased a cook book this week! Found it in a wee
little Libraria and it contains 1000 Sicilian Recipes! We have been eating
spazzatura for the past couple weeks and I am sick of it! But this week we
cooked some delicious ham fried rice, garlic chicken, lasagna (I cooked the
lasagna mom taught me how to make), and other goodies. We made some American
Brownies for one of our English Class student’s birthday.
We taught this member named Dilani (She is Sri Lankin...
Messina has the 2nd biggest population of Sri Lankins outside of Sri Lanka.
Cool eh. I have learned a little Sing Hala here as well! She has been having a
hard time lately and we haven’t really known why. She is probably the most
faithful member we have and she just loves the church more than anything. We
went to see what was up with her. She said she has been a having a hard time
reading the Book of Mormon because she can only read Sing Hala. But Sing Hala
has an insane alphabet. Google it. She can’t really follow the story because
there are so many characters she does not know. She was really sad because she
loves the Book of Mormon but is not getting much from it. Wow... That is really
hard. What do you say to that? We told Book of Mormon stories (all about the
Lamanites from ancient history) to her and she really liked that because she
doesn’t know them. We are wondering how to help her.
So yes... It’s been another good week in the land of
3Cs--Calcio, Catholicism, and Carbinara. Or maybe the 3Ps--Pride, Padre Pio,
and Pasta? Either way... It’s a beautiful land full of amazing people!
Ciao Ciao Ciao. Ciao Ciao. Arrivaderccc (Are-ri-va-derch).
(The young people always say that.)