Another classic week in Messina. So close to Italy...yet soo far away! I like Sicily a lot though, and I wouldn't mind spending more time on this here Island.
This week we had a guy call named Francesco. He is 23
years old Italian who found a card on the ground with the Church’s info on it
and he "felt impressed to call it." So he did and met with us and the
next lesson later he has a BAPTISM DATE! Two days ago (the second time to we
tried to meet with him) he said he had a headache and couldn't meet but we
offered to come to his house and give him a blessing. So we went there and
ended up giving a lesson about the spirit to his whole family. It went very
well and his family was very accepting, so much so we felt impressed to give
Francesco a baptism date. He came to church and loved it and he said his mom is
reading the BOM and is feeling the spirit. Cool eh?
This week we have done a lot of walking! For some reason
we have had appointments on opposite ends of the city every day this week.
Which is a good thing because... WE HAVE APPOINTMENTS! Things are picking up
slowly here and we are having more stuff to do! It is still pretty hot here and
we don’t have to wear jackets yet—thank goodness.
Anziano Cicon is a good man. Very serious. But a good
man. He doesn't really talk much and in the apartment he reads this old, like
1960 copy of the Book of Mormon in his bed every night and keeps to himself in
the mornings, but he is nice. I actually find myself trying to lighten up the
mood when we are with people but he is very serious about things. He is from
California, went to BYUI for a year and plays water polo. So that is Anziano
Jacob Cicon (pronounced Sison but the Italians say Chicken. Hehe… He hates that.)
Last week we went fishin’. We didn't really catch much
but we learned how to fish in the sea and how to fish for Octopus. The people
we went with said in the summer the Octopus are everywhere and super easy to
catch. We BBQ’d and played beach games. It was a fun time actually. The sea is
super tempting to jump in though! The water is super blue and lots of people
where snorkeling.
This week we have a ward activity...CAKE NIGHT! Everybody
is making a cake and bringing it to be judged. I myself think I will make
Pumpkin Chocolate chip Bread or Zucchini Bread. I think it will be a big
success! This week I perfected my Banana Bread recipe as well. I have made it a
few times but this time was especially good. Also learned how to make some good
Arancini and Lasagna from a member.
I conducted a good week long study of Charity during
personal study this week and the bulk of what I learned is in Corinthians 13.
Essentially, we can have all the spiritual gifts in the world and bring
millions unto Christ. And that is great and you are building up the kingdom.
But unless you have it in your heart and are doing those things out of free
will you are not profiting anything. I also have gained a huge appreciation for
the Bible here on the mission.
Everybody here knows the Bible like the back of their
Language is still struggling but I am always
Thanks for all you do.
Ciao Ciao Ciao.