Friday, July 25, 2014

Zone Conference = Packages & Letters

This week I got a letter from Anziano Creg Jones’ mother. It had 20 US Dollars in it! What a nice lady! She says she reads my blog. Thanks Anziano Jones’ Mom!

Oh! Mom you said Coke has been doing the bottles with the names of people on them. They were doing that in Sicily when I was there. It was super cool because all the names on the bottles where Sicilian names, and even the packaging was written in Siciliano. It was super cool. (Goes to show how strong of a culture Siciliano is.)

This week we had Zone Conference and it was really good! We got to play a good game of soccer with the other missionaries the day before. I also got the small package with Fourth of July stuff in it, a letter from Kris, and a letter from Grandma Barbara. At Zone Conference we talked about how we need to use the scriptures more in lessons and about how we need to become leaders. This transfer and the next, about 60% of the mission leaders (APs, Zone Leaders, Trainers, District Leaders, etc) are going home and now we need to step up to the plate. I personally do not want to train. I do not think I am ready. I can barely iron my shirt in the morning much less be expected to help someone be a missionary. It’s terrifying.

This week we have been doing a lot of finding and member lessons. Also, this week Gabriele (13 years old, Kevin’s friend) accepted a baptismal date! We prayed a lot and did a fast about what we should do about him and both felt that if he accepts a date then God will figure out a way for his father to accept what he is doing. It is going to take a lot of faith on all of our parts. But anything is possible in this line of work.

We are working hard and doing our best!