Monday, August 25, 2014

Zone Conference & Tourists

Well, first things first. My team won the Zone soccer game. It was 5 v 5 on a small field. I love doing zone soccer games. Zone Conference was really good though. We talked about unity, honor, joy and putting it into our work. We also had a combined zone conference with Calabria (They had to travel for like 7 hours to get here and some of them never actually made it because they missed their train). It was good fun though.

This week we have worked hard. It is currently the Patron Saint Festival here in Lecce and it is jam packed with tons of tourists! (Seriously. I have been keeping track and about 10% of the people we talk to are from Lecce.) The festival should end about Wednesday though. At this point I am used to tourists. At first it was really discouraging because I could never really teach any of the people I found, but now it is fun. The whole city is decked out with tons of markets and lights and stages with concerts. It is crazy. 

We met with our Romanian investigators this week (it is a mother and child). We tried doing the first lesson with them but they do not speak much Italian so we gave them a pamphlet and Book of Mormon in Romanian and we also watched a movie about Joseph Smith in Romanian. I think they are still really confused because it is hard to communicate with them. 

I have been getting really aggressive in my street finding (Maybe too aggressive. Actually I am pretty sure I am too aggressive). I just really want to find investigators but it is a little hard with tons of tourists. We are working super hard though. Anziano Maxwell is picking up things and he is learning. The first 4 transfers are pretty rough with language and knowing how to teach and stuff. 

We are doing our best here in Lecce though!

Zone Conference
Zone Soccer Game
Sri Lankan wedding we went to. The little girl comes to our English course. The mom drops her off and it is essentially babysitting, but she is cool. The mom asked us to come to a wedding with her. We were the only two white people in the room that spoke English or Italian. It was super cool. Tons of Sri Lankan food and all the ladies were dressed in traditional clothing.