Monday, September 1, 2014

Peace in the Midst of Stress

Well, just another week here in Lecce. This week was good. We are on the hunt for new investigators. We had to drop our Romanian Investigators... There was a language barrier and I don’t think they could understand us, and apparently they are moving back to Romania…? I still don’t understand the situation. We did our best and will pass off a referral to the missionaries in Romania.

We are still working with the members. There is a friend of a member that has been coming to church the past few weeks who is a good potential investigator. She is from a church that believes in prophets/restoration and also their prophet gave them a word of wisdom type law. She believes a lot in missionary work and Jesus Christ. She is very intense. 

It’s kind of stressful. I’m stressed. My Italian is not really that good and I am not the best teacher in the world but we keep going forward. We will catch our break sooner or later! I am trying my best to find people to teach so Anziano Maxwell can get some practice. 

That’s about it this week. 

I really like Lecce. A lot. This is a really special place.

Our Romanian investigators: Yasmin and Maria.
An English Course that turned into an Arabic Course.